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Important: All orders made in March and April will be shipped in the last week of April!
Attending LibrePlanet 2024? Use coupon code PICKUP@LP24 or PICKUP@LP24-INT (international) if you want to pick up your order at the LibrePlanet venue instead of shipping to you.
Watch our new tour video of the FSF shop!

GNU Head (Limited Edition)


Our GNU head T-shirt is back in a new color! We love the details, have you noticed the print on the sunglasses?

Order our limited edition sunny Gnu with sunglasses in heather blue now and rock this year with a GNU by your side.

The shirts are manufactured by Bella Canvas, which is WRAP-certified, meaning they comply with ethical, health, and safety standards in manufacturing. Information on their environmental practices is here.

A size chart (in Imperial measurements) for Bella Canvas unisex T-shirts is here.