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Important: All orders made in March and April will be shipped in the last week of April!
Attending LibrePlanet 2024? Use coupon code PICKUP@LP24 or PICKUP@LP24-INT (international) if you want to pick up your order at the LibrePlanet venue instead of shipping to you.
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Stuffed Baby Gnu 2.0


Order a stuffed baby gnu, one of our most sought-after items. Our favorite baby gnu is small, soft, poised, and eager to migrate onto your computer desk or bookshelf.

These gnus are handmade in Germany, specifically for the FSF by Steiner, using fair labor practices and hypoallergenic materials.

When you adopt a stuffed baby gnu into your herd, your financial contribution will directly support the work of the FSF to promote and expand computer user freedom, and assist the development of GNU.

Dimensions: 4 x 6 x 9 in (10 x 15 x 23 cm)

Weight: 3 oz (82 g)