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Book Bundle


GNU Press is proud to offer a special holiday sale on Free as in Freedom(2.0) and Free Software Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard Stallman (2nd Edition). Get 10% off when you buy both books at the same time.

In 2002, Sam Williams wrote Free as in Freedom, a biography of Richard M. Stallman. In its epilogue, Williams expressed hope that choosing to distribute his book under the GNU Free Documentation License would enable and encourage others to share corrections and their own perspectives through modifications to his work.

Free as in Freedom (2.0) is Stallman's revision of the original biography. While preserving Williams's viewpoint, it includes factual corrections and extensive new commentary by Stallman, as well as new prefaces by both authors written for the occasion. It is a rare kind of biography, where the reader has the benefit of both the biographer's original words and the subject's response

From the foreword of Free Software Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard Stallman (2nd Edition):

This book collects the writing of Richard Stallman in a manner that will make its subtlety and power clear. The essays span a wide range, from copyright to the history of the free software movement. They include many arguments not well known, and among these, an especially insightful account of the changed circumstances that render copyright in the digital world suspect. They will serve as a resource for those who seek to understand the thought of this most powerful man--powerful in his ideas, his passion, and his integrity, even if powerless in every other way. They will inspire other who would take these ideas, and build upon them.

-- Lawrence Lessig

Order Now! Download a PDF copy of Free Software Free Society or download a PDF copy of Free as in Freedom or check out a copy of the source for both books.